Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BEDA 31: blog 'o' random stuff

Since today is the last day of BEDA, and I actually have several things to talk about; this post is coming in several parts. So get ready for some weird random moments where things might not make sense.


This month has really stood out among the last three or four, for the good and for the bad. But either way, I wouldn't change anything, and I sure as hell don't regret a thing.

One of the things that I got out of this month, was I finally realized how much my family supports me.  Especially my mom.  Since we moved out on our own, we've had our fair share of spats, mostly over little things; mainly about whether or not I raised my voice at her, which I honestly try not to do, but sometimes it does happen.  This month however though we've still had several spats about little, almost not important things, my mom has really stood beside me and helped me with making decisions.  Sure she's riding my ass about a few things, reminding me about them every. single. day., but I know she's doing it out of love for me and wants to see me succeed.


Along with PART 1, another thing that's happened this month, is obviously my blogging abilities.  I'm really happy that I decided to take part in BEDA, not only did it give me something to look forward to and something I basically made apart of my daily schedule it helped me a lot personally.  For example, I prefer to write my emotions out versus talk them out.  This is why I tend to e-mail frequently; I do this because my brain and my mouth don't usually connect completely and what I want to say never comes out like my brain planned it.  That aside, the main reason why I'm so happy I did BEDA, and stuck with it, was to document memories. I mean, as a favorite quote of mine reads: "Because memories fall apart, too. And then you're left with nothing, left not even with a ghost but with its shadow." (from Looking for Alaska by John Green)  I want something to look back on and remember the good times I had.


This is why I've decided I will continue to post regularly, along with the fact that I really have come to learn that I enjoy blogging immensely.  I kind of have an idea on when I want to post, but I'm not entirely sure. It'll just have to depend on how things go. I'm sure though, that I'll post frequently during the weeks if interesting stuff happens.


I had initially thought about making this the actual post for today until I realized while eating dinner that I had a lot of things to cover in today's post. But I had a complete nostalgic moment today during my civics.  I was mainly thinking about how I've changed through the years, especially in theatre.  Which reminded me about our long conversation between Levi, Mr. Mitchell and I about freshman year during Dracula when we ended up playing some of the creepy music we used and looking at a bunch of photos.  And then I just got to thinking in general about the random things I did with my friends over the years.  At one point, I thought I was going to cry because I realized exactly how much I'm going to miss Mulvane when I graduate.  I know though that my time has come/is coming to leave it all behind and start a new book in my series of my life; but that school holds so many good memories.


Part five really isn't even important, mainly because I thought leaving it off at PART 4 would be weird, because I have this thing, that if it's below the number of five, it's not important. That was a weird explanation I know, but now this blog post is important, because there's 5 parts to it, not just 4.

Oh, I guess I could add in this random fact, but I haven't listened to Still Got Legs in nearly three's weird....

Today was awesome because: I survived BEDA.

days until the fall musical: 46
days until I become an adult: 128
days until graduation: 262
steps taken today: 2,190+

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