Monday, August 22, 2011

BEDA 22: background noise, but not really

I've noticed recently, that I work and generally tend to focus better if I have a background noise or something else to work on. For example, during the lecture today in my civics class, I retained more from the latter half of the lecture when I started doodling on my paper. I don't know why this is, but it just is.  I was watching Doctor Who not too long ago as I was finishing up my civics assignment.

Whether it's having my headphones on and playing music softly so that I can still hear it, but it's not my main focus, or if I just have something running on my laptop like a Youtube video or something streaming for Netflix, it always seems to help me get my work done, and I generally can retain more it seems.

In other news, it rained today, like when I got up this morning. It was nice, especially considering this is twice this month that when it rained my joints hadn't hurt before hand. Which is also kind of weird, because I like knowing when it's going to rain.  Also, a plus, I managed to incorporate Doctor Who into my English assignment over heroes today, I felt pretty freaking awesome.

Today was awesome because: I finally received my hard copy of Still Got Legs in the mail from DFTBA Records. I've listened to it several times in my stereo in my room, it just sounds so much better in the big speakers than my crappy laptop ones.

days until the fall musical: 55
days until I become an adult: 137
days until graduation: 271
steps taken today: 2,488+

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm loving Still Got Legs :)