Sunday, August 28, 2011

BEDA 28: the worries never worried over

Preface: Once again, no editing, just words and thoughts and stuff.

I don't know how I ended up on a Q&A page on hip replacements, it seems to happen often at random times, and it got me thinking.

I didn't even know exactly what happened when they do a total hip replacement, but yet, I didn't bother even to ask anyone or SURPRISE, research it on the internet.  I didn't even worry about things, except maybe if it was truly going to take away my pain and discomfort and I didn't worry about that much because I trusted my surgeon, Dr. Cusick and I knew he wasn't going to muck anything up.  My parents did a pretty damn good job at keeping me clueless so I wouldn't get scared out of it.  But I think, even if I had known some of the information I know now, that I still would have gone through it fearless like I did.

It's sad to think that I was in so much pain and discomfort that I didn't even worry over anything remotely significant about the surgery.  I was happy about it for the most part.  I had accepted it and above all else, like I've mentioned before, I wanted it done.

When it comes to my hip, over the years I've become pretty fearless.  Most things that doctors have thrown around didn't remotely scare me.  And yet, here I am, still thinking about what I would be like if I hadn't had the surgery.

One doctor had the audacity to tell me I had to live with it for the rest of my life.  Time and time again, I've wanted to go back and show him how much better I am since he told me hip replacement was a bad idea at age 17.  But part of me wonders what would have been if I did just "live with it".  Eventually, like all things, I'd learn to live with it.  I mean, I've had a hip "problem" for the majority of my life, and I made do. I lived my childhood.  But it scares me think of going out into the world after graduating with that severe of a problem.

...abrupt ending, but that's all I've got for today.

days until the fall musical: 49
days until I become an adult: 131
days until graduation: 265
steps taken today: absolutely no idea, I forgot to put my pedometer on today...*hides in shame*

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