Saturday, August 27, 2011

BEDA 27: that ape movie

Hey internet, how's it going? I've been feeling rather disconnected from you since school started, especially this last week. *sigh*

Today, as planned, my dad and I went to the movies to see, and I quote my dad, "That ape movie".  That ape movie, Rise of the Planet of Apes, was actually quite good in my opinion.  I think nearly every aspect of filming it was quite good.  I enjoyed watching my dad's reaction at various parts of the film through the corner of my eyes, I knew he had seen the original version before and I think he was surprised at how much more refined they made it.

I did however find it kind of long at points.  Especially the beginning part, but I really enjoyed the fact that yes it did take forever for the main plot of the movie to arise, but the background to it was a perfect timing.  I liked seeing Caesar grow up to the point where the main plot of the story began.

Overall, I think it was a great film; would I go back and see it again, probably not. But if I were to come across it on DVD in the future, I would probably watch it again.

Today was awesome because: My dad and I watched the new episode of Doctor Who together, and it was FANTASTIC, and I pretty much got him hooked on the show, again. He was on the bandwagon before I was, secretly of course; and then fell off of it until recently when I started bugging him about it.

days until the fall musical: 50
days until I become an adult: 132
days until graduation: 266
steps taken today: 2,371+

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