Thursday, August 25, 2011

BEDA 25: bucket list, part two

I would like to preface this blog post with the fact that today has been extremely awful, between joint pain so bad I had to take the strongest medicine I have which ended up making me stay home because I couldn't drive while taking it or even function through school; all among other things, including but not limited to a paper that I still have to write.  So you're getting another part to my bucket list.

  • go to Africa I honestly have no idea why I have such an attachment issue with Africa, but I just do, and I'd love to go to Africa and do some missionary work.  My want to go to Africa is five times worse after hearing about my best friend's trip he just got home from doing missionary work in Africa.
  • go noodling it's a dangerous sport/activity, but I wanna give it a try, just once. I think though, besides the fact that I'd be slightly scared to do it, that I'd really enjoy it. I mean, fishing with nothing but your hand, how much more awesome can you get?
  • learn how to play guitar and/or piano over the last few years I've kind of taught myself how to play some guitar and more recently how to play some piano.  The problem with this though is that I have neither.  I feel like it'd be something I could really get into and something that I would thoroughly enjoy.
  • be in Washington, DC during the Fourth of July holiday I love my country something fierce, and July 4th is one of my favorite holidays because we get to celebrate our country and all of it's good and it's bad.  Being in Washington DC during the holiday would be amazing, especially for the major fireworks display; it looks fantastic on television, but I can't even begin to imagine what it would look like IRL.
  • walk a 5k if you haven't noticed by now, I freaking love to walk, especially since joint replacements (more specifically knees and hips) love to walk; I've tried to get my mom talked into going to one, but she doesn't think I have enough stamina to do the full thing.  And I think she's right.  I want to get to a point where I can walk a 5k and go home happy.
The more things that I actually put down on my bucket list, I find it's harder to remember the things that I wanted to do before I started writing them down...

Today was awesome because: I got to paint my senior parking stall at school, and though I didn't get the paint colors I was hoping to get, I was happy with what I got and how it ended up.

days until the fall musical: 52
days until I become an adult 134
days until graduation: 268
steps taken today: 3,222+

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would LOVE to go to Africa!