Sunday, August 14, 2011

BEDA 14: muscles I swore I never had

So today, my sister (Marcella) and I went to the local gym to play some volleyball since they just put the nets up for the season that is now approaching.  It was basically empty when we got there, which I wasn't at all surprised considering it was after all a Sunday afternoon and was fairly nice out...and by fairly nice out I mean, it was 90 degrees out and considering the fact that it's usually been in the 125 degree range for most of the summer, 90 degrees was pretty nice.

Anyway, we were the only ones on the court, which was nice, considering I haven't played volleyball since seventh grade, which seems like it's twice as long ago as it actually is and I wasn't for sure if I wanted to emberass myself or not in front of people that I probably didn't know.  Ther ewas a family that eventually came and was helping their daughter who was going into eighth grade practice for her volleyball tryout this week.

Marcella and I probably spent an hour and a half or so at the gym, basically playing volleyball back and forth.  I was slightly worried that I wasn't going to feel up to playing once I got there because of my muscles being so UNUSED, but once we started and I got warmed up a bit, it felt like old times, but 155% better because I had an awesome hip and not a crappy one.

About half way through our game (if you could call it that) my hip muscles were starting to hurt.  Which I knew was going to happen considering the fact that I haven't used those muscles in several years and then there I am, just playing my heart out.  I can tell that in the morning I'm going to be extremely sore. But I don't regret a thing...and I think we're going back tomorrow and playing for most of the day, considering it IS the last day of summer before school starts back.

Today was awesome because: I finally got the rest of my school stuff I needed, like lunch tupperware to put my food in and stuff. And because I got to spend the afternoon playing volleyball with Marcella.

days until senior year starts: 2
days until I become an adult: 145
days until graduation: 278
steps taken today: 8552+

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