Sunday, September 4, 2011

10DYC: ten secrets

Side note: I've really missed blogging the last few days. It feels weird not to be blogging every day.  Also, I'm doing the 10 Day You Challenge after seeing the beautiful Kathy do begin it on her blog.

1. As much as I love history and the thought of being a history major and eventually being a history teacher, part of me wants to go into business school and work with small businesses.

2. I still get extremely emotional when I think about my hip replacement, so much to that sometimes I start crying when I'm by myself.

3.  I want to live in small town, Plains, Kansas. Just because I love how far away it is from everything.

4.  I have a small collection of porcelain dolls. And after last night's episode of Doctor Who, I'm basically terrified of them.

5. It's no doubt that I love Harry Potter and everything that pertains to it. But I'm really not at all excited for Pottermore.  Come time that they open it to everyone, I'll give it it's chance and see what it's about. But I'm not too enthused by the idea of it.

6. Sometimes I feel like my brother and I aren't even siblings.  I thought for a while when I was a kid that I was an only child because at the time my brother was in Japan in the Marine Corps.  Now, I hardly talk to him, and I haven't seen him for over a year, I kind of forget about him at times. And that makes me really upset.

7.  I had a friend, we'll just call her K, who really changed my life.  It's hard to explain, but K changed it in a big way, she's part of the reason why I don't open up to people as easily as I used to and I become wary of anyone who tries to get close to me for fear that they'll hurt me emotionally.

8.  I'm scared to death to lose my mom or my dad. (no pun intended...)

9. I love my dog Missy, but I miss my dog Dusty, who died a couple of years ago.  He was the best dog I've ever had, he knew when I was sick and would lay beside my bed all day and night.  When I came home from St. Louis after that summer I was in a brace, and he'd lay beside me every night and when I needed to get up, he'd follow me around. He was THE best dog. And I feel guilty for comparing Missy to him.

10.  I've been told that I'm a good public speaker, and I know I am for the mere fact that I've done theatre, debated and done public speaking through forensics. Even though I've been doing this for over four years now, I still get so incredibly scared before hand that I feel like I'm going to get sick.

Today is awesome because: I talked my mom into rearranging the living room, and we're working on rearranging my room now. I like change like this every once in a while.

days until the fall musical: 43
days until I become an adult: 125
days until graduation: 258

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