Tuesday, January 10, 2012

scattered thoughts

Right now I don't feel like doing much of anything except sleeping, sitting on the couch and watching TV or watching YouTube videos.  The last time I felt this bad, not counting the flu last month, has had to have been at least a year ago.  I've got chest congestion, sore throat, massive headache and I'm on the verge of tearing my ear canals out because I can feel the fluid pressing and thus making me scratch at me ears every few minutes.  Chances are I have a sinus infection, I'm not new to having them, I've probably had one each year for quite a while.  I was going to go to school today because I'm trying not to miss any school this semester, but my mom and dad made the decision quite clear last night that I was staying home today. And it was probably a good idea they said so, because I feel even worse than I did last night when we got home from the finacial aid meeting.  Now I'm just waiting for a couple of hours for when my mom comes home to get me to drive me to the family doctor.

Yesterday wasn't too bad, if I completely ignored the sore throat, beginnings of a headache and ears hurting.  It was a productive day for me, I managed to finish my ES worksheet packet and begin my outline for the next section, I figured out what I wanted to do for my E3 paper, used the school computers for the first time in roughly a month and managed not to yell or hit said computer.  I completed the majority of my T assignment, and I would have finished if it I did what all the others kids do and rush through it and not take the time to be thorough in their answers.  Went to E4 and...well, we won't talk about that right now, it makes me want to go back to bed. Actually did an actual assignment from the book in my M class.  And then in AS we were just watching Uncle Tom's Cabin. For me, that was a productive day, and thus far every day has been similar since term started.  I'm thinking that this might continue, and I hope so because then I keep up with all my classes.  Plus I have that A2 class online, but I'll talk about that some other time.

Also. Yesterday the casting list was posted for the mystery dinner theatre that the thespian club is doing in February.  I auditioned for it last Thursday and had kind of forgotten about it since then.  I didn't get the role I wanted, but I got cast in it regardless.  I'm a twin lunch lady; the other actor is one of my good friends; and the best part about this is the fact that one of us is evil and the other is nice.  Needless to say, I'm extremely excited to work on this show!

Well, I'm sure I've rambled enough nonsense for the day, I should go take a nap now.

Link of the day: Back to December I enjoyed the original song by Taylor Swift, but when I watched this earlier, I have to admit, Luke and Ingrid's cover makes me love it even more. Well, actually, I think I just love their cover better.

days until 01/15/12: 5
days until Valentine's Day: 35
days until graduation: 129

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Feel better! (I like Luke and Ingrid's cover better too)