Tuesday, January 24, 2012

go green!: an introduction of sorts

Notice: I've decided to change the dates of this blog series to the fourth Tuesday of every month. The next post in this series will be on February 28, 2012.

It has begun to become more and more evident over the last few years that earth is not as healthy as it should be.  Healthy in the fact that the green house effect is becoming an increasing problem as well as the carbon foot print that we give off in our every day lives.  With this being said, this is the main reason why I wanted to start this blog series for 2012.  Not only am I hoping to inform others, if at the very least just one other person, but to also show that helping our environment and ultimately earth isn't impossible for someone to do on a daily basis.

This blog series will cover a variety of things pertaining to the environment, earth and possibly a small portion of space.  All of these things are being effected by our daily lives and how we live them, all of which circle back around to the fact that the environment, earth and space affect our daily lives and how we live them.

I am by no means an expert in this field, I merely find this subject of interest and find it extremely important to help preserve earth for the betterment of years to come.  With this, I will assure you that I will do my best to find reliable resources to share with you on things that I find throughout the year.

If you have any questions you want answered, either on my views on things pertaining to the enviornment, or something specific looked into, drop me an e-mail at jjohnsonmulvane@gmail.com and I'll see what I can come up with.

My whole goal with this series is to help not only myself figure out a way to preserve the world around me, but to help spread the word of how important these issues are.

Monthly Mileage Week
January 17, 2012 - January 24, 2012
233.9 miles

Monthly Mileage Week is something slightly random that I decided to do.  Every month, for eight days, during the same eight day span I'm tracking the miles I drive.  I'm hoping by the end of the year I can see what types of things vary from month to month though the variables are quite large.

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