Monday, September 19, 2011

10DYC: six places

1. The Family Farm: by family farm, I mean the family farm out in the middle of western Kansas in the country (somewhere nearish to Pratt) where there aren't any street signs and you have to know exactly where you're going or you end up in Africa (an exaggeration obviously, but you get my point I'm sure).  I love the farm, mostly because of the pond.  I've had so many memorable times at the pond every summer I get so excited just thinking about it.  It's probably one of my most favorite places ever.

2. Winfield: we don't go to Winfield all that often, but since I'll be in college down there next year, I'll be down there basically 24/7 for at least four maybe five years.  I love Winfield so much, it has such a good vibe when I'm down there. Saying I'm excited to move to Winfield is an understatement for sure.

3. Mulvane: There have been times in the last several years where I've hated Mulvane.  But that was before I appreciated things more than at face value like I used to.  Mulvane has it's flaws like every other place in the universe, but it holds a special place in my heart and not just because it's my home town.  Mulvane has a vibe to it where you know there's a community of people who love this area.  And I don't mean to toot our horn or anything, but our football team this year is pretty awesome, we won again last night at our first home game against none other than Pratt.

4. St. Louis, Missouri: Okay, I'm putting this one down on this list because St. Louis has some memory attached to it, some definitely not as good as others to remember, but it held a big part of my life at one point.

5. Heber Springs, Arkansas: My great aunt Dottie lives in Heber, and I remember when I was younger we used to go down and visit her once or twice every year.  I remember this partially because every time going down there I would end up getting sick...but Heber has a bunch of great memories attached to it.  Like the time I spent a week with Aunt Dottie just the two of us, this was back when I was a really hyper and energized child that wouldn't sit for more than a minute.  We went to the park one day and I played my heart out all day.  Heber is one of those places where it's nice to visit.

6. London: Over the last several years I've dreamed about going to London.  It seems like a really interesting place that I could probably end up spending the rest of my life in.  I really hope I get the chance to either study abroad in London, or visit/move to London in the future.

Today is awesome because: I forgot how much tea we have in stock in our cupboard, so there's always an opportunity for a tea break. (:

days until ACT: 32
days until the fall musical: 56
days until I become an adult: 110
days until graduation: 241


Unknown said...

I would love to go to London as well.

SM said...

I so want to move to London! I loved it there and have been desperate to go back. It's the first on my list of places I want to go next year because I'll have finally finished high school