Saturday, September 24, 2011

10DYC: one picture (of me)

To be quite honest, there's not many pictures of just me, so I had few to chose from; but I chose this one to share because of a few reasons.  This was taken by one of my best friends last spring at my junior prom.  I hadn't planned on going since I had been out of school recovering from my hip replacement even though the principal said that I could attend.  One night, when a close group of my friends randomly showed up at my house at like nine, my parents actually hadn't minded, though I think they might have known about the impromptu visit, to visit me since I had been getting really tired of staying at home all the time though I was able to walk again by myself.  The dress that I'm wearing in the picture was actually my bridesmaid dress that I wore for my brother's wedding two years earlier.  I had it hanging in my room on my wall, and eventually it sparked conversation about prom; and as good friends they are, they ended up talking me into going to prom.  My mom and I searched all over Wichita for gold flats to wear with my dress since I couldn't quite wear heels. Although it was a pain in the ass, looking back it was fun.  Prom was one of the first times I really felt like a teen since I didn't have hip pain to worry about later, I wasn't worrying about later that night (I should say morning...) but living in the moment.  We had a huge group dinner at one of our friend's house, and the night in general was so much fun. I'm happy that my friends talked me into going, and that my mom urged me to go.  Plus, my surgeon and nurses were pushing me to go too. 

days until ACT: 27
days until the fall musical: 51
days until I become an adult: 105
days until graduation: 236

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