Friday, September 23, 2011

10DYC: two songs

This one was really difficult for me.  But I think I have this narrowed down as best as I can.

Just Fishin' by Trace Adkins

The greatest memories of my dad that I have are the times that he's taken me fishing.  I can remember even when I was younger and we'd go out to the lake to fish.  I used to be a really inpatient child, and sometimes I still am, but he was always patient with me.  This song just reminds me of all those fishing trips I went on with my dad.

Have You Forgotten by Darryl Worley

I can't even begin to express everything about this song that makes me love it so much.  I can share that a short time after 9/11 the old amusement park, Joyland, which isn't operating anymore, had a veteran's/military day.  Upon entering the park, they were handing out copies of the official Darryl Worley cd that only had this song on it.  Every time I listen to this song, I remember 9/11 and how confused me and my fellow classmates were.  I mean, we were only second graders when it happened.  Half of us thought that it was a horrible movie.  I guess what I'm trying to get at, is that this song makes me remember this historic event.

days until ACT: 28
days until the fall musical: 52
days until I become an adult: 106
days until graduation: 237

1 comment:

SM said...

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