Monday, September 5, 2011

10DYC: nine loves

Preface: these are in no specific order.

1. family: I have absolutely no idea what I would do without my family, and by family I mean my parents, brother, and all extended family including the uncountable cousins and aunts and uncles.

2. fishing: my biggest stress reliever and an activity/hobby that I really enjoy.

3. books: they offer so much but yet so many people don't give books and reading enough credit.

4. writing: I've never really been into keeping a steady writing project going, with the exception of BEDA which surprised me, but there's something about writing in general that makes me calm.

5. nature: If I hadn't gotten so adjusted to living with so much technology I would love to live in a basic house structure out in the country and just take in everything that nature has to offer.  It's so beautiful but yet it gets such harsh treatment.

6. traveling: I haven't been to too many places, but then when I stop and think about the opportunities I've had and really consider myself lucky.  I've been all over my home state of Kansas (which I love so dearly) and several of the states in the mid-west, plus several parts of California.  There's something about traveling and seeing new places that really makes life interesting and fun.

7. Harry Potter: as nerdy as this is, it is indeed on my list.  Having grown up with the Harry Potter series for the majority of my life, the series has helped me through so many things.

8.  Theatre: there's something about being apart of a show that I really enjoy. I love seeing everyone's hard work be put together and show cased on show nights. Some of my most memorable experiences are from my work in theatre.

9. YouTube: there's just so much to YouTube that makes it awesome, and so lovable.  I specifically love how different everyone is and how much inspiration is spread around.

Today was awesome because: my dad took Marcella and I fishing.

days until the fall musical: 42
days until I become an adult: 124
days until graduation: 257

1 comment:

Keiko Fox said...

Thanks for reading and sharing your blog! Traveling is the best and you shold strive to d it as much as possible! I was born in FL and didn't travel much til I went to college, now I have lived in London and Macau and loads of places in the states and traveled all around Europe and SE Asia. Do it! See the world! :)