Wednesday, April 10, 2013

B.E.D.A. 2013: Spring Ice Storm

I remember several years ago when I was either in eighth or ninth grade, we had a massive ice storm around this same time.  The difference between that one and this one? The weather had been consistent leading up to the storm, and it took more than one single day for the ice to completely melt off.

Today when I got off work I decided it would be the perfect day to take my mom's fancy camera (the one that she doesn't know how to operate very well) and go photograph the odd yet very normal beauty of my surrounds that were green and in full bloom covered in ice.

The "baby" tree in the south part of our yard was hit the worst.

Our beautiful Bradford pear trees were covered in ice as well, but they were still beautiful to look at.

This is quite possibly my favorite photo.

I'm serious when I say a thick layer of ice.

I have several more storm shots from today that I uploaded to Flickr and they can be found here.

B.E.D.A. Day 10: Completed

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