Thursday, April 4, 2013

B.E.D.A. 2013: In the News

When I was younger I would "read" the Wichita Eagle with my parents.  By "reading" the Eagle, I mean flipping through all the pages and looking at black and white and occasional colored photos.  Today I realized that it's much different when it comes to newspapers.

For the last several years we haven't had any newspapers delivered to our house simply because we needed to cut costs and unfortunately the newspaper subscription just had to go.  Recently, my mom started up a four day per week subscription with the Wichita Eagle and to get our local newspaper once a week.

Within the last few years I've done my fair share of reading newspaper articles for classes, projects, and even for fun.  The catch though, they've all been online.  With a few clicks of a mouse and a couple of keystrokes, I can have a newspaper on my laptop, Kindle or iPhone screen within seconds.

Now that we've got the newspapers coming directly to our house again, I've felt like something has fallen in place again.  I can sit in the morning and flip through the pages and see what's going on.  On Thursday I can read what my home town is doing with new projects coming up, and of course, check out the police beat section just to see how many dog disturbances there can possibly be in one week.

I love technology.  But reading material, whether it be books, magazines or newspapers just feels better when I have it in my hands and can physically turn the page.

B.E.D.A., Day 4: Completed

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