Wednesday, December 28, 2011

update: moving status

You know how I said we were moving on Saturday? That the movers would be out Saturday morning? Well, I found something out today. We're moving on FRIDAY, not Saturday. So that complicates things on my end a bit, considering that I had things planned out through the week up until the time the movers got here.  It looks like there's going to be a lot of coffee and tea intake between now and Saturday.

I realized yesterday that if I clean my car out, I'll only have to pile everything back into it to move it on Friday, which would be redundant; naturally I haven't even thought again to touch anything in that car.

Things to accomplish tonight include going through my clothes and piling up things that don't fit to give to Care and Share (similar to Goodwill) down town, clean out the hall closet, and gather my notebooks and magazines together into a box.  And I'm sure there's even more I could do tonight to minimize what we'll have to do tomorrow night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck getting everything ready.