Saturday, December 31, 2011

BEDD 31: thank you

2011 has brought tears of confusion, anger, happiness, pain, love, relief, sorrow and everything between.  The year has also brought me several fond moments I want to cherish for the rest of my life; moments that were tough but made me a better person, I want to remember these for when things get rough again in the future; and moments that I'd just rather forget even happened.  Through it all, I've learned a lot from someone I found one early morning when I coudln't sleep on YouTube.  This person I haven't gotten the chance to meet yet, but he's changed my perspective on things.  He is also the same person that I wrote half of my music history final exam paper over.

Mike Lombardo.

There really aren't enough words for me to express how much of an impact Mike has had on me this year.  I'm thankful that I found him when I did because I don't know how my year would have gone without his music.

One of the things that I really like about Mike is that he is so much into what he does, he puts all of his effort into what he's working on and produces something that is just magnificent.  He keeps pushing through and continues to do what he loves: music.

I've struggled a lot with people telling me what I should and shouldn't do with my life from the small things all the way up to some major things.  I've learned through watching Mike's video's on YouTube and listening to his music that no one can decide what I do and that I should do what I love.

One thing that 2011 has taught me is that the internet is a special place that can be used for great things.  It can allow you to reach out and help someone or multiple someones.  Mike has made me want to be a better person by not letting anything stop me from not only doing the things that I love but from being myself.

I can't thank him enough.

Mike, if by the slightest off chance that you've come across this; just let it be known that you've made an impact in my life and that I'm forever grateful for what you do. Never stop.

Link of the day: Page A Day So many different calendar choices to choose from to get sent to your e-mail daily. I got my mom and I each a Page A Day calendar for our desks, I just love them to death.

days until Senior Year Part 2 begins: 4
days until I become an adult: 7
days until graduation: 139

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He really is a great person.