Sunday, December 25, 2011

BEDD 25: a very happy christmas

Hello there everyone! I hope that you've all been having a great holiday wherever in the world (or universe) you might be.  Things have been good in my neck of the woods the last few days which doesn't make up for the lack of blogging... and thought I'd share a bit of what's been going on and what's going to happen in the next week or so.

My dad and I managed to do all of our Christmas shopping before Christmas Eve Day, which is when we normally do our shopping; we're procrastinators even when it comes to Christmas, which also explains where I get the procrastinating gene from...I only had to do one last minute thing on Thursday for my mom, which was a surprise, because I was actually shopping for myself with a gift card my great Aunt Dottie sent me and I just saw that one thing I just had to get my mom.  Don't worry, I did get myself something too; but it didn't even matter to me, I wanted to spend some of it on my mom, she deserves it.

Thursday was my dad's birthday, but for some reason we didn't end up celebrating it until Friday, but it was good anyway, 'cause my best friend Alicia (whom I will start calling A from now on, because that's what I call her IRL) her mom's birthday is also on the same day, and Friday we had decided to go down to Winfield to see the Isle of Lights display of freaking awesome Christmas lights.  It was great, the four of us in my  mom's truck, A and I in the back huddled under a pile of blankets because we were freezing.  It was like old times.  We came back from Winfield and came home so my dad could open his gift and eat ice cream and cake.  And then, somehow, we managed to sit around for the next couple of hours just talking and telling stories while we watched Jeff Dunham's Christmas special on TV.  The fun didn't stop there folks, when I took A home, we drove around a few neighborhoods talking and looking at Christmas lights, I then started grading each home's effort and "ooooh pretty"ness.  It was truly a fantastic evening.

The last few days we've been doing a lot of cleaning and things like that.  We're moving back in with my dad this coming Saturday.  Which, I mean, on our side of things it should be pretty easy to execute when the day comes; we're having professional movers come move our heavy things for us since we don't know what the weather will be like 100% until we actually start Operation Move Day 2, because we live in Kansas and you can never take a weather report 100%, but we've been doing some heavy duty cleaning out at the house.  I normally don't care to clean, let alone heavy duty cleaning, but it's been kind of a stress reliever in a way.  Or maybe that's just the motions of cleaning the walls that does that.

So yeah, we're moving on Saturday; kind of ready for it, I miss living out at the house. I miss my dogs and the privacy of not living above our neighbor.  Plus: I miss the long drive from school back home, it gives me time to unwind a little before I face my family and have to start chores and things.

Christmas Eve: pretty relaxed, I stayed home and watched How I Met Your Mother. I managed to finally finish season one.  I did however have to make a run to Dillions for green beans, scalloped potatoes and a gallon of milk for today.  Made it to Dillions only to find out that they're either closed Christmas Eve or close really early on Christmas Eve.  Me, of course, forgot my phone at home, so I ended up driving back to the apartment to tell my mom I'd have to go to Wal-Mart in the next town to get what we needed. AND that I was nearly out of gas; so I got to drive her truck, which has only happened one other time in the past year.  The trip was fine, not too much traffic, Wal-Mart was packed with people containing no common sense or manners...and we won't talk about the driver who cut me off in his small car that the truck would have completely totaled because he was being stupid and getting in too big of a hurry. Sorry, I'm still upset about that incident.

Today has been really good. I didn't get much gift wise, but I could care less. I'm just happy to have my parents healthy and happy.  They both enjoyed their gifts, and I swear, seeing my parents smile and freak out about their gifts as they unwrapped them was better than anything they've given me for Christmas in the past 16 years.  The only thing that could have made today even better was having my brother home; but I'm happy he's safe at home in Texas with his wife and kids.  Oh, did I mention the food was pretty good? 'cause it was.

Link of the Day: World's Largest Game of Ninja I was just thinking yesterday about things my friends and I have done over the years during high school.  One of the things that I remembered was playing Ninja before the homecoming pep rally.  And then I remembered this video from Vid Con 2011.

days until Christmas: 0! Happy Christmas!
days until Senior Year Part 2 begins: 10
days until I become an adult: 13
days until graduation: 145

1 comment:

Sarah Tokeley said...

You sound like you've had a very busy but happy time. I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas, and I hope the move goes well for you :-)