Monday, March 28, 2011

mind blown

Oh my.


I don't know what to say for a change.


I just finished watching The Disappeared staring Harry Treadaway, Tom Felton and Ros Leeming.  Honestly, I'll admit it, I don't watch scary movies because I feel like I'm one of those people who will be frightened easy.  I decided though, since I had looked into the movie slightly that I'd order it off of Netflix and give it a try.  I mean, I get slightly freaked out, even after years of watching Ghost Hunters and even Destination Truth at times.  I think it's a brain game I play with myself, thinking I'll be freaked out and then I get all jumpy.

Anyway, I started the movie when it was still light out, just to be safe, because I didn't want to stop the movie and have to finish it tomorrow when the sun is out.  I have to admit, I found the first like hour and twenty minutes extremely slow and at times painfully boring.  But I toughed it out, because there are several movies that I enjoy immensely just because I stuck it out and watched it in it's entirety.

The ending though, oh my.


Seriously, I'm still at a loss for words.

The ending of the film, left me wondering who in the hell would write such a fantastic piece of work...and leave people wondering things at the very end....when there's nothing left to watch.

And then I completely thought it through, of course, that was probably intentional.  But still, my point, is that I have so many questions.  I guess you could say that I'm left kind of dazed and confused on a few points.

And just flat out confused on a few things.

But then, I read through the small synopsis a second time that was on the DVD cover in the Netflix envelope, and I realized that this was the extent of the movie.  I was supposed to feel confused, or at least left wondering.  It was after all labeled as a "psychological horror film".


When my parents asked me how I liked the film, I bluntly told them that I'm happy I took a chance and tried a horror film of sorts, and that I had to give props to the Brits who wrote and produced the film; they really made an American think their ass off.

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