Monday, October 31, 2011

halloween and things NaNoWriMo

I'm not going to spend this blog talking about ToTsKCE that went really well, or about my views on Halloween, but regardless HAPPY HALLOWEEN.

This post is primarily to talk about NaNo, once again, but a bit more in depth.  And yes, there are a LOT of things to cover.


If you're on the fence about doing NaNo, sign up and join the fun (I think there's still time to sign up...), even if you don't have enough time to write the entirety of 50,000 words it's worth a shot.  It's not like we'll never talk to you again, and besides, wonder "what if"s are a waste of time!  Just go on to and check things out for yourself.


I spent quite a lot of time last night on the interwebs just waiting for Tuesday to get here so I can start writing, so I spent a lot of that time looking for other tools and ideas to use during November as I write my novel.  One of them that I found, not really a tool, but just a cool place to go to read about other NaNo novelers' experiences and tips and tricks is WriMosFTW!  I highly recommend checking that place out for some inspiration if you get in a sticky place during your noveling.


Also, this goes along with PART 2, I found this dandy tool called Write or Die! (no you don't actually die if you don't write) but it's a really cool thing to use to keep you writing.  You can set a timer for up to 2 hours or for a word count goal.  Pick a grace period, depending on how long you want to allow yourself to think between thoughts and a consequence level.  I messed around with it a bit last night, but I honsetly don't remember too much of it considering I was studying for my civics test today (which I think I dominated) and it was like midnight.  I would give Write or Die a shot at least once during the month to get your daily word count in so you can see if it works for you or not.  The whole purpose of it is to just make you write, and not edit as you go.


This is definitely a major linkage blog post...I also found these neat NaNo calendars to put as your desktop background, I'm using the purple one.  You can find them right here, and there's several colors to chose from!


I know this might be too late for some depending on how they run, but maybe not for others.  I've got a calendar set up in my room, basically telling me what I have to do and what I need for the day everyday during the week on a massive bulletin board.  Also, I've set up my Google Calender so it's got everything scheduled that needs to be scheduled so I won't forget, or lost my planner (which happens frequently) and forget something important.  Also, I've got a specific notebook set aside that I'll pack in my school bag and theatre bag so I can write on the go.  Organization is probably the only way I'll make it through November.


I still don't have a title for my novel yet, but I'm sure that will come at some point.  I'll share more details about my novel throughout the month, who knows maybe someone can help me come up with a title?

And, I think that's about it.  If I missed something, I'll probably edit in, but I honestly don't think I missed anything...

OH! Happy noveling everyone, wherever you might be!

[[EDIT]] I forgot to mention that you can buddy me on, just look out for me as As.Is!

Today was awesome because: out of all things awesome that happened today, my business teacher gave us candy in class, she was the only teacher who handed out candy to her students. :)

location: freezing bedroom
days until NaNoWriMo begins: 3 hours
days until the fall musical: 17
days until I become an adult: 68
days until graduation: 201

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