Tuesday, October 25, 2011

free write: too much pressure

I've been meaning to do a few free writing excersices before NaNo starts, but I havn't really been able to do any because my lack of time and brain engergy.  Today though, in my music history class we were listening to music from the romantic period, and though the first couple of selections were good, I couldn't just sit there and listen to the music.  So I flopped down on the floor, sprawled out with my notebook and pencil and started writing.  I was going for a 40 minute free write which would have lasted until the school dismisal bell, but about ten minutes before that we got on the subject of graduation so all my focus was averted else where.

And I thought maybe you'd like to see what I wrote. *bashful smile*  I would like to preface this with the fact that it was mainly inspired by the fact that the first selections of music that we listened to today in class was those primarily composed of piano, since the romantic time period is when they really started using pianos as a center piece if you will.  Also, this is unedited or proofed, so keep that in mind...

Too Much Pressure

Michelle pounded on the keys of her piano in frustration. She was thankful though that she was the only one in the piano hall since it was three thirty in the morning.  Things from the outside looked good in Michelle's life, it would be confusing for anyone to see or hear her banging on the one thing that made Michelle such a known person.

That in itself was part of the frustration Michelle was feeling.  She had been taught by world known pianists, even taught her own classes to adult beginners.  Michelle hadn't even applied to the university she was attending, they wanted her so badly for their music program they made offers that even Michelle's extremely wealthy family couldn't pass up.  She had all that weight on her shoulders, to continue to be the "best". It wasn't like she didn't love playing anymore but all the pressure was definitely taking a toll on her.

Folding her sheet music up and slipping into a folder specifically for her recital music Michelle let out a sigh.  As she poked out a simple rhythm using only middle C, she couldn't help but wonder what could have been if she had never came here.  Or even yet, if she pursued something in another field.  Pounding one last time on middle C, Michelle stood up and left the hall headed back to the dorms to sneak into her dorm room without waking her room mate, Alexis, up.

It seemed like the walk back to her dorm room that morning helped clear Michelle's head.  waking up in a good mood she had happily agreed to get breakfast with Alexis.  Instead of wearing a nice pair of jeans that she normally wore while at school, against her mother's protests, Michelle chose a coral floral print dress that fell right above her knees.  Instead of her Converse, aslo not approved by her mother, she chose a pair of nude pumps that made her tall stature even more apparent.

"You're in a good mood." Alexis noted with a smile as they left the building.

"I guess so." Michelle said nodding her head slightly.

"How many more weeks until the senior recital?" Alexis asked.  "You're staying at the hall later and later every night." Alexis pointed out.

Today is awesome because: I finally got to free write!
current location: homework covered desk in my warm bedroom
days until NaNoWriMo begins: 6
days until the fall musical: 23
days until I become an adult: 74
days until graduation: 207

1 comment:

Precy Larkins said...

Good for you! Free writing is always fun. Your excerpt looks like it could be a beginning to a novel. ;)