Saturday, February 25, 2012

We're Moving!

Let me make this clear, I am not actually moving, this blog however is.  I've made the executive decision to move Living a Life of Truth to  What does this mean?  It means this, I will no longer be posting here, though I will not delete this blog quite yet.  My regular, irregular, posting will resume here though with everything that I've been doing, including the Go Green! series as well as a new project that is in the works.

I hope that you will join me at our new home, and continue to follow me through life's twists and turns. I enjoy blogging so much and it's been a blessing to meet so many great people and hear their stories.

Days until graduation: 83
Days until moving day: 169


Sarah Tokeley said...

Off to join you :-)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Ooh, only 83 days left? Congratulations! Yay! Best wishes to you.



A to Z co-host

Unknown said...

Well, that was on Feb. 25th. Now we're down to 45 days!