Thursday, February 2, 2012

eleven question tag

I was tagged by lovely Stephanie who has been blogging everyday over at her blog.

The Rules

  • Post these rules
  • Post 11 random things about yourself
  • Answer the questions that tagger set for you in their post
  • Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
  • Go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged. (No cop-outs, like "If you're following me/reading this, you're tagged. You have to legitimately tag people)

Random Things about Me

  1. I love doing most yard work, makes me feel content as I do something productive.
  2. I will try new foods and combinations that normally aren't eaten (right now I want to try eating a cricket with Taco Bell's FIRE! sauce on it)
  3. When I caught my first fish when I was three on a small pink fishing pole, when I felt the bite I threw the pole down and ran to the house.
  4. I prefer to shoot a handgun over a shotgun.
  5. I promised to to take my dad deep sea fishing before he dies.
  6. I've never ridden a train before, though I think I'd enjoy it.
  7. I learned fractions by cooking with my mom when I was younger. She did the same with my brother too.
  8. If I didn't detest math so much I would become an astronomer.
  9. I wouldn't mind being trained as a storm chaser.
  10. I make cupcakes for my advisory class for random occasions.
  11. I'm scared poopless for the mystery dinner theatre on Saturday.

Questions from Stephanie

  1. If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past? Why? Being the history nerd that I am, I'm going with the past.  There's so many events that I would love to have been present for, it just makes me go crazy when I remember that time travel currently isn't possible. *sigh*
  2. What is your favourite fast food place? Unfortunately, I've eaten too much of fast food in my life and though I prefer a place that has home cooked food I'm going to have to go with Taco Bell only because it's cheap and solves my hunger when I'm on the fly during the week.
  3. Have you done the personality test? (here) What is your personality type? I did once, for a class a couple years ago, but I did it again anyway. INTJ
  4. Are you superstitious? Yup. Ask me about the Tape Ball and what happened on closing night of Guys and Dolls...
  5. Who is your biggest inspiration? Tough one! I normally can't single out one person on questions like these, but I'll say Oprah Winfrey. I say Oprah because of how she's turned things around in her life and has continued to pursue things even when things get tough. Crappy explanation, but that's about all the words I can string together for now.
  6. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Yes, I did. I forget her name though.  We used to swing on the swing set in the back yard.
  7. What is your favourite season? Autumn, it's not too cold, not too warm and I can spend some of it hunting and/or fishing.
  8. Chocolate or lollies? Chocolate. Definitely chocolate.
  9. Are you allergic to anything? Food: nothing that I know of. I've eaten a lot of foods in my life so I really don't think I'm allergic to anything common. Animals: nothing, although I fear I might be allergic to bees, seeing as I've never been stung before. Medicines: Tylenol, though it's found in nearly EVERY medication out there, I just can't have an enormous amount or my blood work gets crazy.
  10. What are you most talented at? I really don't know, probably just being a great listener.
  11. Are you a grammar nazi? :P YES. For years my friends come to me to proof their papers, and I often troll Facebook to fix other's grammar in their statuses.

Eleven More Questions

  1. Who is your favorite actress?
  2. Have you ever eaten elk?
  3. Do you have any pets?
  4. How often do you read?
  5. Belong to any clubs/organizations during school?
  6. When's the last family vacation you took? Where did you go?
  7. Can you speak another language?
  8. What's your dream job?
  9. Have you ever met any of your blogger friends IRL?
  10. Do you do stuff on YouTube? If you do, will you link us?
  11. What's your favorite bird?

And last but not least, I tag Kathy (even though she's already done it a billion times...), and Emily.  Can't wait to see your responses!

Link of the day: Heart Valentine Mahjong I've been playing it quite a few times in the last few days, it's fun and festive!

days until MDT: 2
days until Valentine's Day: 12
days until graduation: 106

1 comment:

SM said...

I love that you said time travel isn't currently possible because it definitely will be sometime in the future :)
And I was wondering what's this about the Tape Ball and Guys and Dolls? You said to ask and I'm genuinely curious.
Lastly, YAY for trolling Facebook! It's my favourite past-time ;)