Tuesday, December 27, 2011

update: moving status

Good news is good!  My mom called me earlier about noon to tell me that the lady she spoke with yesterday at the new internet service called and said that they would be sending a crew out to the house this Thursday.  I was relieved to hear this information because I was freaking out about school starting and not having any internet connection because I can almost grantee I'll have to use the internet for one of my assignments when we get back.

Cleaned some more out at the house for about three hours or so.  Went to the post office (after nearly getting in a car wreck with some old lady on Main Street) and got change of address forms for my mom and I.  Pretty uneventful day besides the errands and things.

Next on my to do list: take the Christmas tree down and clean out my car.


Miss H said...

I think I'd be lost without the internet! Glad you're getting it sorted :)

Natasha said...

I'd be the same as you, I rely on the internet for everything! Glad it'll be sorted soon, and I'm glad you had a good year too. xxx