Sunday, December 4, 2011

BEDD 4: airplane firsts

Yesterday while I was decorating the apartment with my mom, I started to think about past Christmases.  Most of them have been the same, staying at home with mom and dad and just have a nice lazy day full of food and movies and occasionally some years we had snow.  There are a handful of Christmases that we weren't at home like we usually were.  This then lead me to think about the Christmases we spent in California visiting my brother and his first wife that we don't speak about in our family any more.  That then lead to me thinking about all the airplanes I had ridden in my lifetime because of those trips.

When I was younger, and I think this is still mostly true to today in some aspects, I was really afraid of heights.  Which some people find ironic since I'm pretty tall compared to others.  I didn't really care for airplane rides, they kind of freaked me out. Especially after 9/11.  That's why every time we went to the airport to board a plane to head to California you always saw me with a backpack with the essentials in it: coloring book, notebook, crayons, and usually a book to read.

Out of the handful of times I have ridden an airplane I've never slept on one, used the restroom on one, or even stood up on one.  For a child that couldn't sit still for long, I think plane rides were the only time I was some what subdued from my normal personality.

The last Christmas that we went to California for, our plane from L.A., if I recall correctly, took us to Cincinnati.  From Cincinnati we were put on commuter jet that took us to Wichita.  If you've never been on a commuter jet let me explain to you what it's like. They're small, compact and small. Did I mention small?  My parents were seated across the two foot isle from me, where I was sitting beside a man in his early thirties with his two kids in the seats in front of us.  Doesn't sound bad, right? I mean it wasn't a very long flight, but considering I was about seven or eight scared of heights and planes I was put onto a small compact plane.  It freaked me out.

And then, the man's little boy claimed he had to go to the bathroom. So naturally, with me being on the outside seat so I could still be near my parents, I had to stand up to let the man out of his seat to take his son to the back of the plane.  Doesn't really sound horrible, but I was scared to death to even unbuckle my seat belt let alone stand up to let him out and then stand back up to let him back in.

Lame, anti-climatic story I know, but I still remember those plane rides.

Link of the day: booksandquills is the YouTube channel of Sanne where she talks a lot about a variety of books.  I've always enjoyed watching her videos and she's kept my want to continue reading sparked with new books to add to my reading list.

days until ACT round 2: 6
days until I become an adult: 35
days until graduation: 167

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