Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I found out today that a friend of mine who graduated last year is being deployed in August for Afghanistan.  I knew something like this was going to happen, I mean you can't become a soldier in the United States armed forces and not expect to be deployed some where at some point. I guess the naive person that I am thought it couldn't happen this soon.

This concept is weird for me. I know what comes with being in the military, you go where you're told without asking any ifs, ands or buts. The only logical conclusion I have come up with is the fact that this whole growing up thing is really starting to sink in.  I was just talking to my dad about this, about how I didn't expect him to be deployed just yet; it's hard for me to grasp the fact that we're getting older and growing up and doing things with our lives, it's not just high school any more but the real world.

I know life outside of high school will be different.  I've already been figuring that out.  The last month, since I've turned eighteen, my parents have been a lot more relaxed about how late I stay out and have been letting me make my own choices on a lot of things.  My mom has realized this too, seeing as I have been making some better choices when it comes to certain things like school and my health.  I've been taking responsiblity for the decisions I've been making, and in general have started to think more critically about things.

Tomorrow I was supposed to be boarding a bus at 7:30 am to go to Rose Hill for a conference for one of the clubs I'm in.  I paid for my seat on the bus and had even asked my mom for money for lunch, but today, after I thought things through, I went in to talk to the club sponsor and told her that I was opting out of the conference to stay at school and get caught up on things.  I could have easily just went ahead and went to the conference and fall behind another day but instead I decided not to.

I've been trying to brace the fact that not only am I'm an adult now but that I'll be moving out in August but at the same time I've been trying to enjoy my senior and make it memorable.  It's a hard thing, especially when you realize that some of your friends are graduating college, getting married and having kids.  Or as in the case I realized today, being deployed to the Middle East.

Life is a crazy thing.  As much as the unknown in life scares me, I'm ready to embrace it with a open heart, mind and eyes with God beside me.

Link of the day: Noodling Just so you really know what I'm willing to do in my life at some point.

days until Valentine's Day: 6
days until graduation: 100
days until moving day: 186


Floral and Fauna said...

You don't even understand how much i relate to this. I'm almost 19 and still can't figure my life out. growing up sucks! I lost my best friend in a car accident a few months ago, and I had lived my life so naive to the fact that things change I always feel like the people around me will be around forever. Being Naive isn't a bad thing though! embrace it :) great post!

Unknown said...

Growing up is crazy. I'm about to turn 25, and I still can't believe how adult my life has become a lot of the time.