Tuesday, May 10, 2011

come on brain

I'm in one of those funks.  The type of funks that you don't really want to do anything.  Well, actually, I take that back.  I have a long list of things I want to accomplish and work on, but alas, my brain of mine won't put in the effort to work.

For example, I had attempted on several several occasions the last few days to write a blog post about something some what important and relevant.  But my brain basically shut off on me a couple sentences into the post.  I fear my brain is finally getting back at me for over loading it in the fall. I mean, if I was my brain, I would revolt about now.  It's the crucial part of the school year...even if I do take my classes online.  But everything right now effects senior year and if I graduate on time or not.

The only thing that my brain has really permitted me to doing is watching stuff on Netflix, granted though, I'm not entirely wasting my time away watching pointless movies. I mean, the vast majority, and I'm talking about like 99% of the stuff I've been watching has been documentaries. The other 1% has been a mixture of things from Doctor Who to Greek  to dramatic movies.  Just yesterday, I watched three documenties and a movie that I'll most likely end up watching again today.

Such a pointless post.

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