Sunday, November 7, 2010

getting used to the staring

Yesterday my mother and I went out to do errands, I took the wheelchair with me because I knew there wasn't a chance that I could do all that walking and be in good shape at the end of the day.  I got reacquainted with the wheelchair very quickly, it seemed the only thing that had changed from eight years ago was the fact I had grown and I felt the wheelchair was extremely small.

At the first store, I hadn't paid attention to anyone, I was focused on helping  my mom shop for groceries the best that I could being in a wheelchair.  The next store was different; I hadn't been paying attention to anyone again, focusing on what we needed to get until a little girl, who I assume was with her grandmother stated, very loudly, as she came closer to me that I was in a wheelchair.  And then she asked her grandmother what happened to me, and she told the girl she didn't know.  The girl then went on to ask her grandmother if I had fallen and hurt my leg.

At the moment, I felt like I wanted to cry.  Because I wasn't used to the attention of being in a wheelchair and then having it being stated for all the store to hear.  It makes me want to crawl into a hole when I feel the stares because I know people are judging me.  They don't know what's happened to me, or what I'm going through, but they're judging me.  And that's one thing I hate the feeling of.

I know that within time I'll go back to ignoring people and their staring, but it'll take time to get used to it, just like everything else.

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