Tuesday, September 20, 2011

10DYC: five foods

1. Fish and Chips

In our family, we fish quite a lot, and we eat fish even more often.  Doesn't matter what time of year it is, I'm always hungry for fish and chips.

2. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Still to this day I love this simple and easy sandwich that I ate often as a child.  We can never keep cheese in our house very long because I eat grilled cheese sandwiches so often.

3. Cake

I love a good cake. And that's all there is to it.  Although I would have to say my favorite is German Chocolate. But really, any cake is good for me.

4. Potato Soup

I usually don't care for potato soup, it usually depends on the way it's made if I like it or not.  But I'll try different varieties; but both my mom and dad make excellent potato soups, and they're both quite different from each other.

5. Chile Relleno

There's a local authentic Mexican restaurant near us, and they have the best chile relleno ever. It has to be my favorite Mexican food, and it definitely beats out Taco Bell.

Today is awesome: because I've got auditions tonight for our school musical: Guys and Dolls...I'll explain my change from backstage to stage this show in a few more days, hopefully by then I'll know my role.

days until ACT: 31
days until the fall musical: 55
days until I become an adult: 109
days until graduation: 240


Unknown said...

Those all sound amazing!

Unknown said...

Also I gave you an award over on my blog :)