Saturday, August 13, 2011

BEDA 13: it's really happening

This was supposed to be what I was going to blog about yesterday, but decided I'd save it for today so I could fully comprehend everything I was thinking and make it some what understandable.

Yesterday a bunch of the senior girls got together at the school and decorated the senior hallway, a tradition that's happened for several years and we weren't about to let that slip by us with school starting on Tuesday.  One of the biggest things in decorating our hall is filling up the bulletin boards with photos of our class from when we were young up through middle school.  Looking through all of the photos, even though I wasn't in many of them, from our younger years was a really good time as we started stapling them to the bulletin boards.  I couldn't believe how far we've come, the majority of us we've been together for thirteen years now.

Honestly, I could care less about the streamers and be-glittered signs we hung up marking our territory, the photos are by far the best part.  Another thing that most classes do, is write memories on posters and put them on the wall.  I really like this tradition for the fact that no one else really knows about these specific memories except for people in our class.  It's almost like a cult or something, where hardly anyone, if anyone at all understands.

Most of the girls at the school yesterday I've known for basically all thirteen years we've gone to school together.  A few of them I used to be really close with, like back in grade school when there wasn't any cliques and everyone got along and we played at recess together.  But to me, it was really fun just all being together, I mean, we're all in the same situation, facing our senior year, figuring out college plans and trying not to let anyone down.  Essentially, we're all in it together.

Yesterday really made it clear to me that not only school is about to start, but that after all these years of dreaming of being the "big bad" senior class, it's finally time.  And on top of that, yesterday was so incredibly busy with a lot of different things, that I had to take a step back and go "Woah, I forgot how busy I normally am." I mean, I haven't been this busy since about mid October, and it's a bit of a shock to all of a sudden just jump into it.

Anyways...that's just my thoughts from/about yesterday.

Today was awesome because: we went grocery shopping, and I finally got some grapefruit juice; I freaking love grapefruit juice.

days until senior year starts: 3
days until I become an adult: 146
days until graduation: 279
steps taken today: 891+

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