Monday, March 14, 2011

under the radar

So, I'm addicted to music. It's a simple fact to grasp.  But the one thing I absolutely hate about music, although it really isn't music itself, but radios who do when the new cool "hip" songs get repeated every single hour.  I mean, why can't we listen to some older music that once used to be new and cool and "hip"? Huh, why?

Well, I found this awesome site a few days ago through a link on Facebook from a band I'm friends with a few of their members, (Bread of Stone) and they had gotten the opportunity to guest on this radio show. Of course, I had only followed to the link because it was Bread of Stone, I hadn't known anything about the radio show or site, I just simply wanted me some Bread of Stone to listen to even though I own two of their three cds....

BUT. this wasn't just any ole radio show.  They play songs that are under the radar, songs on popular albums that haven't been given the chance of the spotlight.

I fell in love with this show, and not just because they had Bread of Stone guest on one of their recent shows, but because I love the simple reasoning behind it.  Most of my music on my i-pod that isn't classic country because, I love love love LOVE classic country... is made up of random songs that I found through different outlets that are actually quite good but have never got the recognition they deserve.

I love this show so much, I found the first show and I've begun the process of listening to each and every show they've done. Over a 100 of them.  They last around an hour, so I'll have some good music to listen to while I sit around folding laundry and procrastinating my school lessons.

So, grab a pencil and paper and head on over to Under the Radar and listen to a few radio episodes, you might even find some new music that you've never heard of.

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